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Ruishan Lin

Statistics Doctral Student @ George Mason University

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I'm a third-year Statistics PhD student at George Mason University (GMU), where I have the privilege of collaborating with two esteemed mentors in the field: Dr. Jonathan Auerbach and Dr. David Kepplinger. My research is dedicated to developing robust statistical tools, with a special focus on Bayesian methodologies. I thrive on the challenge of deciphering crowd-sourced data, seeking to unlock their hidden insights and potential applications.
Before coming to Mason, I obtained a Bachelor's in mathematics and a minor in German from New York University (NYU). My post-NYU adventures led me to the dynamic world of FinTech, where I honed my skills as a machine learning engineer. This experience ignited my passion for big data analytics and its transformative potential. Today, my aspirations are set on a horizon beyond academia. I am impassioned to channel my expertise into the pharmaceutical industry, spearheading advancements in clinical trials and the dynamic landscape of drug development. My mission is to bridge the gap between rigorous statistical methodologies and real-world impact.